Friday, April 11, 2008

It’s not your fault you suck: the pussification of a nation

Everywhere you look someone is telling you it's not your fault. You shouldn't feel bad; just be yourself, whatever that is. Self-improvement is selling out. You are just a victim of a racist, sexist, elitist, judgmental, profiling, insensitive society full of over-pampered, over-privileged people who are trying to get theirs and keep you down.

It's not your fault you're fat – your body is toxic.
It's not your fault you're ignorant – you didn't get to go to college.
It's not your fault you're rude – you're just having a bad day.
It's not even your fault that you gathered a couple dozen of your closest friends in the middle of the night, piled into the back of a van and willingly broke federal laws and entered this country illegally. We don't strictly enforce immigration laws in the U.S. so it's our fault illegal immigrants are here. We made it easy for you. It would hardly be fair of us to start enforcing out laws now.

We have become so afraid that someone will accuse us of racism or sexism any other "ism," real or perceived, that we are continually editing ourselves and making excuses for why alleged good people make bad choices.
Sometimes, bad things happen to bad people. Sometimes your stranded in post-Katrina New Orleans because when the weather man, the mayor, the governor and yo' momma told you in advance there was a hurricane coming and to get out, you stayed. Sometimes you don't graduate high school because you had unprotected sex and got knocked up. Sometimes you die of an overdose because you jammed a needle in your arm. Sometimes he hits you because you forgave him when he hit you last time. Harsh, I know, but people continually overlook the fact that we are a free people and we have choices. And those choices have consequences.

I thought this epidemic was out of control years ago when a woman was driving down the street and pulled the lid off her McDonald's coffee and spilled it burning her thighs. She sued McDonald's for a squillion dollars – and won! Then a few years later everyone jumped on this bandwagon. Almost every well-known chain restaurant has been sued for having too much fat/ salt/ cholesterol in their food. What did you THINK was in a Big Mac? Then came tobacco company lawsuits. Yes they knowingly make a deadly product, but you don't have to buy them, light them and inhale. It has become politically incorrect to expect anyone to take care of or responsibility for himself.

If you are a member of a minority, nothing you do is ever your fault. It's because you're a woman, or black, or gay, or a one-legged mute. This week, Disney World kicked about 50 teens off their Downtown Disney property because they were loitering, being loud and rude and refused to go to into a movie/ restaurant/ store or leave when they were asked to do so. According to the Orlando Sentinel: "Parents of the youths wonder whether there's another reason: They're black." Who wants to bet that Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson are on their way down to Orlando as we speak? If a group of white kids got ejected, there wouldn't be a quote in the paper from parents wondering if it was "because they were white." To my knowledge, no one has even asked if there were any white kids loitering in groups without parents? If not should we have arrested an equal number of white kids who were in the clubs/ restaurants/ shops to be "fair?" Wouldn't THAT be racist?

And if I hear one more member of the Latino community remind us that we don't really want immigration reform because illegals do the jobs that no one else will do I am going to stab him with a churro. I will tell you exactly how to solve that problem: stop paying lazy ass slackers who are lucky enough to be U.S. citizens to stay at home and have crack babies. Unemployment reform would all but eliminate the need for immigration reform in this country. If you could only be on welfare for a set amount of time people would HAVE to get a job – any job – before that deadline. All those people who come in and want you to sign their little form to prove that they asked you if you were hiring; all those people who no-showed to their jobs and then somehow got unemployment; all the Eddie's of the world who are "holding out for a management position;" they would be the ones cleaning toilets and digging ditches and we wouldn't need any more people to meet that need. We have more people in this country than we do jobs as it is and more coming every day. I say what Captain John Smith said: "If you don't work, you don't eat."

Furthermore, I say it IS your fault if you make bad choices. It IS your fault if you have a kid you can't afford. It IS your fault you ate or drank or smoked yourself into an early grave.

Pity never helped anyone.It is time we stopped camouflaging blame shifting as political correctness or sympathy. It is time we stopped censoring ourselves. People died for our freedom of speech and every time we fail to use it, we are slapping those people in the face. Say what you believe and be willing to endure whatever comes as a result. These days speaking your mind can ruin your life - just ask Bill Mahr. But if more of us started doing it then it would become less dangerous.
By the way, before you start calling me a right wing extremist, let me balance my point of view by saying this: Bill Mahr was right – being willing to die for a cause you believe in is courageous. If more Americans were willing to die for what they believed in this would not only be a better place to live but fewer other countries would want to blow us up.

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