Friday, April 11, 2008

I'M A WHORE, apparently

So, it's been a while since I caused a scandal in the workplace. I was getting bored. Restless. I felt I was in a rut. I decided something had to be done. I thought about it for a good long while, weeks actually. I decided to do it. Caution be damned. I am a known risk-taker.
Today, I wore a strapless dress to work!


I caused a damn scandal. My entire department spent a good 1/2 hour searching the internet for the precise definition of "business casual."
So it seems I'm a whore. It's amazing, really, I wasn't arrested on my way in this morning for indecent exposure.

Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone who has now seen me in thes dress of great offense know that I have embraced my whore-like status and will not be offended if you offer me money for sex acts.

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